

Life Sketch of Laura May Barney Moody

Contributed to Family Search by Dennis Michael Dalling

Laura May Barney Moody
Born 4 Aug 1868 in Pine Valley, Washington, Utah, USA
Parents: Danielson Buran Barney and Laura Matthews
Married on 25 December 1885 at Bluff, San Juan, Utah, USA
Died 17 March 1955 in Thatcher, Graham, Arizona, USA

Laura May Barney was the daughter of Danielson Buren Barney and Laura Mathews; she was born at Pine Valley, Utah 4 Aug 1868.Her early childhood was spent among the valleys and hills of the Pine Valley settlement, a little Mormon town far from any center of population. The inaccessibility of the town only made the pioneer struggle for existence greater, and May, as she was called, with other early inhabitants of the southern area of Utah, suffered many hardships and privations.

She also learned the meaning of work, as most everything they obtained came through their own physical efforts. Their food was raised in the garden where the girls as well as the boys worked, their clothes-even trousers and coats for the boys, had to be sewn by hand. There was very little idleness among the children of those days, nevertheless, they were busy and happy and enjoyed and appreciated what they had.

For recreation excursions into the nearby hills gathering pine nuts was one of the most enjoyable things they did. When Laura May was nine years old her father was called by the Church to settle in San Juan, Utah (also later come to be known as the Hole-in-the-rock Pioneers). Here she lived until the age of 15, when she met and married Theadore Henson Moody. The ceremony was performed by Pres. Platte D. Lyman, on December 25, 1885.

This recently married fifteen year old girl, set out with her husband to pioneer the regions of Arizona and New Mexico, and over the years gave birth to twelve children, nine of whom are still living (1955). Her husband died in 1928, leaving her with several unmarried children. She struggled valiantly to bring them up in the way of the Lord and support them. She was a Relief Society visiting teacher for twenty-five years. She also did three years of temple work in Mesa, Arizona.

Mrs. Moody had a God-given gift for healing through her nursing, and knew what to do in any emergency. She attended many of the sick both of her own faith and others. She was always ready to go when she felt she could do some good. She prepared many bodies for burial before the undertaker became a necessity. At this writing Mrs. Moody is almost 86 years old. She has forty-four grandchildren, seventy-three great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren. She lives with her children, sometimes in Arizona and sometimes in California.

Source: familysearch.org
story submitted by Dennis Michael Dalling, 27 August 2013.


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Laura May Barney Moody

Family of Theodore Moody and May Barney about 1900

Laura May and Theodore Moody

Family of Theodore Moody and May Barney about 1900