#7 Platte & Adelia Lyman Home

Cabin purchased from John Harris by Platte D Lyman in 1880. Drawn by Albert R Lyman
Home of Adelia Lyman completed after her husband's death in 1901
This home was completed after her husband, Platte DeAlton Lyman died on November
13, 1901, leaving his two wives behind, Adelia Robison Lyman, and Annie Maude
Clark Lyman.
Platte and Adelia Lyman were married May 18, 1867. They were living in Millard
County until the LDS church called them to the San Juan Mission in 1879. Platte
was one of the scouts of the Hole-in-the-Rock group during their trek from Parowan,
Utah, to Bluff during the winter of 1879-1880.
The house is constructed of rough squared sandstone blocks. It has a high truncated
hip roof that flares at the eaves. There is an original front porch. The builders
were E.F. Thompson and H.T. Hibbs, along with Nick Lovace. Platte started the house
before he died and his son Albert finished it.
Major out-of-period additions to this house are the addition of a kitchen on
the south end and a large garage on the east end. Minor additions to the house
are the placement of two window skylights in the west-facing main roof pitch and
one window skylight in the east-facing main roof pitch.
Bluff History Tour